About Link to heading
I am currently a combustion engineer with Amogy in Brooklyn, NY, working on development of ammonia-fueled power systems for stationary and marine applications.
In my prior lives, I’ve:
- worked as a mechanical engineer for the United States Navy (Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Newport, RI, USA)
- earned a Master’s degree in mechanical engineering (Cornell University)
- earned a Ph.D. in chemical engineering (Brown University)
- been a postdoctoral researcher at RWTH Aachen University, Germany
- managed a research lab at the Technion, Israel
- visited national laboratories as a guest researcher (ICARE, CNRS Orleans, France and Argonne National Laboratory, USA).
- even managed to secure gainful employment as DevOps/MLOps engineer at Mobileye, Israel.
I can actually engineer just about anything.
If you are curious about my academic and research career, I encourage you to look at my old website
Outside of work, I am also active in open-source software as a:
- packager for Fedora Linux.
- reviewer for the Journal of Open-Source Software.
- contributor/maintainer elsewhere - relevant links are available under projects.
I even participate in the real world as a volunteer emergency medical technician in New York City.
If you happen to stumble across this page and think it’d be worth getting in touch, my contact information is on the main page. Please use the PGP key provided in the contact section to encrypt any emails.